Includes work by undergraduate Digital Cinema students in the School of Art and Design at Northern Michigan University. The program does not stress one particular genre or style, but allows students to pursue their own interests which include: narrative, experimental, animation, and documentary forms.
100-level: Students learn the foundations of digital video production. This course covers how to shoot and edit short-form cinematic works and includes a survey of fiction, nonfiction, and experimental video production.
Image Design
200-level: Students pursue continued development of digital video production skills and knowledge emphasizing fiction video production. The course covers lighting strategies, camera work, composition, and post-production.
Nonfiction Forms
300-level: This course emphasizes nonfiction and documentary video production.
Alternative Forms
300-level: This course emphasizes experimental or innovative time-based media production.
Production Seminar
400-level: Students successfully complete the development, production, and realization of a group practicum project. The course also includes professional portfolio and statement development.
Editing Seminar
400-level: Students continue work on their individual portfolio through building post-production skills and knowledge emphasizing editing techniques. The course focuses on editing for impact, mood, and story. The course also includes professional portfolio and statement development.