Gabrielle McNally

Gabrielle McNally is a time-based artist and scholar and Associate Professor of Digital Cinema in the School of Art and Design at Northern Michigan University. She received her MFA in Film/Video Production from the University of Iowa in 2014.

As a practicing artist, Gabrielle works in experimental autobiographical and essayistic nonfiction. Her videos have screened internationally in several film festivals and galleries.

Gabrielle’s scholarly work currently explores the notions of voice, improvisation, memory, performance, autobiography, and gender as they relate to nonfiction.

Recent & Upcoming Events

Joining the Editorial Board of Media Practice & Education


I have been invited to join the Editorial Board of the journal Media Practice & Education, published by Taylor and Francis. The journal aims to contribute to the development of both integrated and diverse forms of research mediation, facilitate equitable relationships between media practice, theory, and education and provide a critical bridge between the written article and the publishing of media practice and education research

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Awarded Sabbatical for 2022-2023


Northern Michigan University has awarded me a year-long sabbatical in order for me to produce the documentary Nos Disparus (Our Missing). Next semester, Winter 2022, I was also awarded a four-credit-hour course release to continue the research and development of the project. After a semester of writing in Winter 2022, I will begin production.

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Speaking at Visible Evidence in December


I will be leading a virtual Roundtable Discussion at Visible Evidence in December. The topic will be “Interview as Practice: Conversations about Conversations.”

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